Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Emotion – UR 3273


mardi 13 juin 2017    
10:30 am-12:00 pm

Bâtiment T1 Pôle Multimédia - Salle 2.08
29 avenue R. Schuman, Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, 13621

Type d’évènement

Pr Jocelyn FAUBERT

Understanding the role of perceptual-cognitive capacities in different populations with the NeuroTracker approach: From development to aging and elite performers

Pr. Jocelyn FAUBERT (Directeur du Laboratoire de Psychophysique et de Perception Visuelle, Directeur de la Chaire CRSNG-ESSILOR Int Canada, Université de Montréal). faubertlab.com




A still largely unresolved question is to what extent perceptual-cognitive abilities of different populations play a role in their successful decision-making in real life contexts. Individuals often have to process complex dynamic visual scenes and make decisions based on their situational awareness and prior knowledge. We propose that decision-making abilities exhibited by individuals in this context depend in part on some perceptual-cognitive capacities merged with specific knowledge of the world dynamics. The NeuroTracker system was initially designed to isolate fundamental properties that are present while processing dynamic visual scenes while being void of specific context. The goal was to develop a general tool that could assess individual differences in the perceptual-cognitive capacities required for processing dynamic visual scenes and to determine whether it is possible to improve these abilities by training and show transfer to relevant skills. The research to date demonstrates that: 1) It is possible to measure individual differences on this ability for a variety of populations; 2) The level of performance such as sports-related decision making corresponds with the learning rate on this task; 3) The initial measures can be predictive of decision making metrics; 4) The brain is plastic to this process and training on this system can show transfer on socially relevant performance measures 5) Training on this task improves relevant brain function as measured by cognitive metrics and brain imaging. In this talk I will explain the principles, review the relevant studies done in different populations with the NeuroTracker approach and discuss potential future avenues for research.