Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Emotion – UR 3273


lundi 11 décembre 2017    
15:00 pm-17:00 pm

Type d’évènement

Jouer PONG ensemble : un paradigme expérimental nouveau pour l’étude de la coordination sociale dans une tâche d’interception en double


M. Reinoud BOOTSMA, Aix-Marseille Université, Directeur de thèse
Mme Nathalie BONNARDEL, Aix-Marseille Université, Co Directrice de thèse
M. Frank ZAAL, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Co Encadrant de thèse
M. Keith DAVIDS, Sheffield Hallam University, Rapporteur
M. Benoît BIDEAU, Université de Rennes ,2 Rapporteur
M. Benoît BARDY, Université de Montpellier, Examinateur
M. Remy CASANOVA, Aix-Marseille Université, Invité



We studied the way two individuals coordinate their actions in order to intercept an approaching ball by moving individually-controlled paddles along a common interception-axis in a video game-like doubles interception task. With contact between paddles leading to their immediate disintegration, the doubles-pong task required team members to decide on each trial who would be the one to actualize the interception.
Because overt communication was precluded, these decisions were informed exclusively by vision of the onscreen movements of paddles and ball. In three experiments, manipulating initial conditions (i.e., initial paddle positions) and individual skill differences within teams, we examined how teams organized their joint interception behavior. Results revealed that all teams spontaneously demonstrated a division of labor, characterized by individual interception domains separated by fuzzy (i.e., overlapping) boundaries. While boundary locations could vary over teams within a given experimental condition, they were nevertheless systematically affected for each team by initial paddle positions. Skill differences between individual team
members did not appear to have such an effect. Overall, our findings provided converging evidence that, instead of being based on any geometrically-inspired criterion for dividing up space, the observed division of space emerged from both team members’ interdependent interception behaviors. An action-based definition of the (time-evolving) expediency with which, at each moment in time, each player moved towards the future interception position allowed predicting which of the two players would end up intercepting the ball and which would abandon the interception attempt. Overall, our studies suggest that the decision of who will intercept the ball emerges from an informational coupling between team members, with the division of space
being an emergent result.


Mots-clés : Prise de décision, Interception, Action conjointe, Coordination interpersonelle