Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Emotion – UR 3273


vendredi 20 janvier 2017    
13:30 pm-15:00 pm

Bâtiment T1 Pôle Multimédia - Salle 2.08
29 avenue R. Schuman, Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, 13621

Type d’évènement

Pr Jean-Claude MARTIN

par le Pr Jean-Claude MARTIN (LIMSI-CNRS) à l’attention des Enseignants-chercheurs du département de Psychologie et des Masters 1 & 2 Ergonomie FHISI


Affective Computing studies enable to reach a better understanding of the processes underlying affects, nonverbal communication and individual differences.

In my talk, I will first present the group of research that I head at LIMSI-CNRS / Paris Saclay Université.

We conduct research on affective multimodal Interaction between real humans, virtual humans and humanoid robots.

This includes the consideration of relevant theories and models from Psychology (emotion, individual differences), the design of software tools (virtual agent computer platform, detection modules),  and the design of experimental protocols for conduction studies and evaluations (for example training of social skills, stress management, and autism).



Jean-Claude MARTIN is full Professor of Computer Science at Paris Saclay University, France. He is the Head of the group “Cognition, Perception, Use” (CPU) which includes researchers from Psychology, Computer Sciences and Ergonomics. The group is part of the LIMSI Laboratory which conducts research on Human Computer Interaction.

Jean-Claude MARTIN conducts research on Affective Multimodal Interaction in Virtual and Real Humans. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI) 2015 Impact Factor = 1.017. He supervised 11 defended PhD theses (+ 4 on-going PhD theses). He won a Best Paper Award at UBICOMP 2013 together with MIT Media Lab for a joint work on job interview with a virtual agent. He is an elected member of the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing (AAAC). He participated in several European projects (HUMAINE, ATRACO, NICE, ISLE, Magic Lounge) and about 15 national French funded research projects.



